A short guide
Byggeriets Ankenævn is a board of appeal dealing with complaints brought against a craftsman’s work carried out in a private home. A consumer may file a complaint to the appeal board regarding the price or the quality or both price and quality of the services performed by the craftsman, provided that the parties have not been able to settle the dispute themselves. In most cases an expert will be appointed during the proceedings of the case, to view and assess the complaint. Both the consumer and the craftsman may be present during the inspection of the work. The consumer and the craftsman may give further information for as long as the complaint is pending. The proceedings will be brought to an end when the appeal board reaches a conclusion and issues its decision in writing. The appeal board consists of specialist judges, consumer representatives and a chairperson. Most of the appeal cases are dealt with within approx. 6 months.
You can file a complaint electronically here.
You can upload the documentation and any relevant attachments digitally in the complaint form.
Both the complaint and the documentation and attachments must be in Danish.
Following documentation is needed:
- Contract / order confirmation
- Invoices
- Receipt for the payments made to the craftsman
- Receipt for payment of the complaint fee
- Copy of your correspondence with the craftsman concerning the dispute
The fee for filing a complaint is 400,- kr. The fee is to be paid to the following bank account at Danske Bank:
Reg.nr.: 3001 konto nr.: 0013068674.
IBAN: DK5030000013068674